
Last Night

This is Moby's 9th album. In his own words, "This album is about going out (in NYC and anywhere else). It's me trying to take 25 years of going out in NYC and condensing it into a 65 minutes record. It's also trying to condense an 8 hour night into just over and hour of music." A lot of the songs on this album reminded me of the dance music in the early 90s and late 80s (like 'Everybody Dance Now', et al), especially track #9 Disco Lies, but also track #4 Everyday It's 1989. Overall, each track has a pretty distinct feel, which was part of the goal of the album, in order to capture the various feelings and moods a person goes through during a night of partying. Track #7 Hyenas has a sensual French vocalist and has more of a down tempo feel. The album is danceable and upbeat all the way through, until track #11 Degenerates. It starts to slow down there, signifying the post-party stop at a local diner. Track #14 Last Night has a hidden track that starts very quietly at about 5:15. It's a melodic piano piece, very beautiful, and unlike the rest of the album. Probably my favorite track is # 2 I Like to Move in Here. Fans of early hip-hop may enjoy the guest vocals of Grandmaster Caz on this track...definitely 'old school takin' ya back' as the lyrics say. There are a lot of other guest vocalists on here, including a Nigerian group 419 Squad (on track #6 Alice). Have fun! ~Renae Overbeek

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