The more I listen to West Michigan artists, the more impressed I become. This region holds some real musical talent. If this disc is any indication, Phil Barry is every bit as talented as many national artists. You’ll find some very catchy tunes here from this Kalamazoo artist, formerly of the band Knee Deep Shag. This is very accessible, well-produced music, with straightforward lyrics, nice vocals, and fine instrumentals. These are mostly love songs about troubled relationships, but instead of being angst-ridden downers, they’re short and hook-laden. I only wish there was more to this disc, which comes in under 26 minutes. - Tim SmithKENDEL CARSON
Rearview Mirror Tears
The Sweeter the Juice
Water in the Ground
Dan Cunningham
Appalachian Song
Indoor Garden Party
The Musical
Western Centuries
Weight Of The World
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.