Thea Gilmore

– Liejacker


A successful, engaging album. Songs are very polished musically and lyrically, including the opener “Old Soul” with its beckoning duet. “The Wrong Side” (Track #3) has some mesmerizing, psychedelic trickery, giving it an enjoyable eeriness. “The Lower Road” (Track #4) is a song of grim determination, with lonely fiddle and gentle guitar strumming, and backup from Joan Baez. “Dance in New York” (Track #6) is about self redemption that's nearly epic, but cello and accordion have a sobering effect. Rhythmic “Roll On” (Track #8) echoes the forward momentum theme of “The Lower Road”, but this time Gilmore fixes focus on states of denial, and living as an automaton. Gilmore's voice is light and breathy on “Icarus Wind” (Track #11); a very pretty song about the harshness of reality. As nice as the guitar, strings, and piano on these songs are to listen to, it's their smart and insightful lyrics that will earn them repeat listens. - Michael Loffelman

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Compiled by the WYCE Journalism Club

The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.