Blue Feather is Grand Rapids' own Nicholas Thomasma and Liz Dieleman. They've taken an idea from a Richard Bach book (Illusions) for their name and that is what I found most intriguing. This is guy/girl vocals over delicate 6- and 12-string guitars. They've invited a few guests to play on this, their first album. Most notably, Karisa Wilson (violin) adds something to the narrative which is "Sandalwood, Leather, and Sweat". She also plays on the pretty, but depressing "Winter In Michigan". (Listening to this song in February will do nothing to cure those winter doldrums.) Jason Lester plays trombone on the song "Stranger Than Fiction" adding a playful note to the visuals that the song offers. Reviewed by Rebecca Ruth.BLIND WILLIES
Needle, Feather, and a Rope
Big Black Dog
Steppin' In It
Hidden in the Lowlands
Thanks Anyway
Kenley Collins
Belle Black
Through the Devil Softly
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