Hailing from Canberra, Australia, the foursome known as Youth Group have been at it for some time now - this being their 4th studio release. Turning an old boat into a recording studio and hiring several producers, including Death Cab for Cutie's Chris Walla to do some of the mixing would lead one to think that the effort should be top notch. In fact, the first three songs are just that. "Good Time" sets the tone for the remainder of the recording as it suggests a journey into a dark night of the soul. The second, "One For Another" delves into the realm of addiction and trading "one addiction for another" that so often entangles the addictive personality. One of the songs with the most 'pop' is the third, "Two Sides," which also showcases synthesizers and pounds out a sound reminiscent of The Killers. "All This Will Pass," perhaps the most positive here, is another song worth a listen and offers up encouragement to the one whose done something they've later regretted. The final song worth mentioning is their latest single, "In My Dreams," another offering of lush vocals by Toby Martin and an overall melody that makes you want to hear it again. While a solid effort, and one that's appreciated more and more after repeated listens, the Youth Group have given their fans something that should tide them over for awhile. Still, this album lacks the real "standouts" that would take them to the next level with many of the tracks barely rising above the "good" level. For that, we're left wanting and waiting patiently until next time. ~ Reviewed by Jeff BoumaMatthew Ryan
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