This is Jill Sobule’s first release on her own record label, and get this, this album was made possible by Sobule’s fans who came through with more than $89,000 in donations to finance it, how cool is that? On this record, Sobule documents her recent relocation to the West Coast with a series of songs that blend the hallmarks of her career: “storytelling marbled with telling details, sarcastic wit and easy-to-hum choruses.” Jill has songwriting skills that transcend her one-novelty-hit wonder status (1995’s ‘I Kissed A Girl’). -Reviewed by LaRaeTHE BURNING OF ROME
(Selections from the forthcoming album) With Us
In Your Face & Behind Your Back
Shawn Lee / Various
- Under the Sun
Noam Weinstein
On Waves
Brilliant! Tragic!
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.