For the Mission Baby


Described by David Fricke of Rolling Stone Magazine as "not quite country, somewhere beyond folk...a kind of blues in motion," Malcolm Holcombe is just that - hard to compartmentalize. Still, that's what keeps things interesting on the singer/songwriter's eighth album release; a seemingly introspective and honest look at the realities of life and living. The raspy voice and gritty folk is prevalent from the start as Holcombe kicks things off with the catchy "Bigtime Blues." The second, the Americana inspired "Hannah's Trading Post" is equally pleasing to the ear. The short and heartfelt "You Have it All," captures the essence of a world where some win and some lose. Building on this theme, on the final song, the lush and beautiful "Someone Left Behind," Holcomb hopefully sings: "But there's better days ahead in time for someone, somewhere left behind." Expected by the record company to garner the "best reaction yet," Holcombe and the Grammy award winning producer Ray Kennedy don't disappoint. The reaction from Lucinda Williams was this: "From the first note I was drawn in. He is an old soul and a modern day blues poet." Make no mistake about it, from beginning to end, the reaction to Holcombe's latest is "right on." ~Reviewed by Jeff Bouma

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Compiled by the WYCE Journalism Club

The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.