Professor Louie (Aaron Hurwitz) has recorded and/or performed with such classic rock acts as Commander Cody and The Band. He's surrounded himself with like-minded musicians such as Frank Campbell who toured with the Rick Danko/Levon Helm duo of the 70's-80's and with Miss Marie, who also performed in some of The Band's recordings. While this album features fine musicianship, vocal harmonies, and production; given the credentials of the musicians, I'm not surprised that it sounds like classic rock. There are plenty of covers here, including the oft-recorded/performed "The Weight" and Bob Dylan's "Serve Somebody". (Two songs that, while classics, I really don't need to hear again.) Rebecca RuthTUATARA
East of the Sun
The Black Cats
The Famous Rockabilly Of The Black Cats
The Long Surrender
Jon Auer
Songs From The Year Of Our Demise
The Wild Feathers
The Lucksmiths
Warmer Corners
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.