Ms. LaVette, a Muskegon native raised in Detroit had her first hit at age 16. Now after a career that spans 50 years she has again found some well deserved attention. By taking Pink Floyd, Rollingstones and other British musician songs she has complete a circle that began with the likes of Jagger and Clapton loving American blues music and taking it to a wider audience. Even though all these songs don’t always hit the mark for me, her voice is amazing. With Pete Townshend confessing her version of ‘Love Reign o’er me’ “…made me weep” you know Music’s power is being channeled to us through Bettye for our benefit. Favorite tracks were: 1. The Word, 4) All of My Love (loved the guitar!) 7. It Don’t Come Easy and 13- Love Reign O’er Me. Some of the others are pretty slow paced but have an energy you don’t want to miss. Anne LamontThe opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.