
Mike key is a pseudonym acquired over the last few years by musician singer songwriter Michael Pawloski, (Pav-lusky) the youngest of ten children growing up in Byron Center, Michigan. This fine release begins with a rocking track that has a certain Alejandro Escovedo feel to it. On the track "Buy Justice" Mike shows he is not afraid to question how our legal system works. "Love of Ja" is a reggae track that shows the diversity of the music found on this release. The track 119 was inspired by church burnings in 1996 and reminded me of a cynical and angry Richard Thompson. "Northern Palace" is an acoustic folk track that shows Mike's Michigan and northern roots. "Rich Man" has a rocking Rusted Root sound and how many of us aren't rich men living on a poor mans pay? This CD should be a top contender at the 2011 Jammie Awards. Reviewed By: Gregg Saur

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