Just like the first Cedar Rock Basement Program release, this is a collaboration of many West Michigan artists. From what I understand, the writer of the track lays down the lyrics and some key instruments, then along come the others who, one by one, add their own bits to the track, presumably making something altogether different than what was originally intended. The result is some interesting local music, beginning with the very first track, "Forever Endeavor", which is melodic pop rock. There are songs with fun narratives, such as "Sugar Cube". There are dark rock songs like "Leslie Younger" and "Trip Down the Hole". "Tito the Builder" is an instrumental with all kinds of percussion which makes for an interesting racket. It's fun listening to this purely for the construction of it and wondering what you might have added to the mix. Rebecca RuthTINA DICO
Count to Ten
Big Head Todd and The Monsters
All The Love You Need
Elliott Smith
From a Basement on a Hill
Kingdom of Rust
Uncanney Valley
The Black Dirt Sessions
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.