One Foot In Front of the Other


Even though this is her first CD release I don't expect this to be her last. Hayley Taylor seems to have all the right connections to keep moving up in the music scene. Her music runs the gamut from perky pop to lushly layered love songs to maudlin demi-blues. An example of the former would be “Felt Like Love”. “How Good We Had It” has an infectious harp-like rhythm and smooth harmonies, as does “Orange Tree”, and the introduction of sweetly flowing/ebbing violins in the mix make for a beautiful song in “Plans”. The girl blues are ably represented by “Waking”, “No More Wishing”, “What's Going On?”. “Pretty In The Dark” has some very catchy rhythms, and it's a shame that she has to resort to a banned word for the sake of poetic rhyming. This and a few other cuts, though, do bring to mind a toned-down Liz Phair-ish music. “Bulletproof” has that edgy love-hate angst you hear from Liz Phair, as does “Don't Look Down”. Overall, this CD grows on you, and starts to feel like a favorite piece of clothing that you just cannot part with. My two nickels worth Steven “Nick” Nickelson

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