Marc Anthony Thompson used to perform in California under his given name, but since moving to New York, he uses the moniker Chocolate Genius. Included under this moniker is a loose conglomerate of supporting artists. This musical collective has at times included John Medeski, Chris Whitley, Meshell Ndgeocello, and Chris Wood among others. This fourth album in the Black Music/Godmusic/Black Yankee Rock series is pretty stuff. Well-written and nicely produced, this is low-key music for quiet moments. Rebecca RuthGRAYSON CAPPS
- Rott-n-Roll
Death Songs For The Living
I'll Take Love from the pen of Louisa Branscomb
Freddy & Francine
Gung Ho
Emotional Jukebox (2-CD Set)
Rachel Harrington
City of Refuge
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.