
From the first note you know that this band from Greensboro North Carolina could raise the roof at any southern tent revival. The only problem is they evoke all the energy without covering any religious topics during the sermon. The CD is divided into two sides, the first which covers the first three tracks combines roots rock with Dixieland jazz in an almost gospel feel. The second side begins with the track "Alcohol" a track that combines roots rock, with a loose southern Jazz sound that will easily remind listeners of the Avett Brothers. "Under Your Fingers" has a blues and old time R&B sound to it and the EP ends with the properly titled "Goodbye or Goodnight" a southern Dixieland banjo track that explores the sounds of Hip-Hop. In the short 25 minutes of this disc the Holy Ghost Tent Revival Family explores the sounds of Roots Rock, Country, Jazz, Blues, Dixieland, R&B and Hip-Hop. I can't wait until they release a full LP. Reviewed By: Gregg Saur

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