Look At What The Light Did Now


Review by Steven “Nick” Nickelson of Look At What The Light Did Now by Feist This weighty dvd/cd combo explodes with sounds that seem to come from everywhere at once. “Limit To Your Love” is one power-packed soundshow. “When I Was A Young Girl” just begs a Tori Amos, Ani DiFranco comparison, but with throbbing drum beat and a big wide wall of sound. “Secret Heart” has a light and slow-tempo start, but then quickly kicks into full wide wall of sound mode. I really like the change-up in the tempo in this particular song. A really top-notch supporting cast really makes this cut another powerhouse performance. This very talented (and IMHO a bit quirky) singer-songwriter has an impressive repertoire, and comes highly credentialed by dint of her being a member of the indie rock group, Broken Social Scene. I am ashamed to admit I have never been to a single concert of hers or theirs – but I most definitely intend to rectify that gross oversight. “Strangers” offers up a delicious acoustic accompaniment to Feist's crystal clear singing voice. While a number of the cuts burn with a slow passion, “So Sorry” begins with an island rhythm to it, then segues into a torchy, sad breakup song. I have yet to find a single cut on this audio cd with which I was disappointed. Mea culpa, I am now a convert. There is a bonus cd by Chilly Gonzalez which has four cuts on it – all boring piano pieces. ----------Nick

BIO: It's a cinematic sound-and-light installation. It's an behind the scenes look at Feist's creative process. It's an intimate portrait of artistic collaboration. It's a DVD and a bonus audio CD. It's Look At What The Light Did Now and it's in stores now. Directed by Anthony Seck and featuring loads of backstage footage, rare cuts, insightful commentary and stunning visuals by the artists who gave us The Reminder, LAWTLDN is the perfect reprieve from winter's pale wash. Lavished with special features, the DVD package comes to stores trembling under it's own weight.

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