or Your Favorite Music goes southIn the midst of several personal struggles mixed with lots of touring, Eef Barzelay decided to move his home base from Brooklyn to Nashville with some band members to secure his own studio space and record this album. Half of the group remained in New York, where half of the album was eventually recorded. This is a coming of age album for Clem Snide, where several former styles come together to make..not hits...but also not a 'themed' album, which allows this one to be easier to listen to. The uptempo nature of the first track mixed with morbid undertones does not summarize the album musically, rather sets the tone for what is to come: keyed-down alt-country tunes sincerely performed by tragically disturbed fans of music.
Washington Square Serenade
Robby Hecht
Nathan Kalish and The Wildfire
Jamie Leonhart
The Truth About Suffering
Garden Ruin
The Incident at Primrose and West
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.