Bury Me in my Rings
FCC: (12) Wh*re
Label – Vagrant
Released – 17 May 2011
The Elected represent one-half of the song writing talents of Rilo Kiley, the LA-via-Omaha-via-LA 60’s inspired indie rock mainstay that after signing and putting out an album on a major quickly went on hiatus. And while the other half of the band, Jenny Lewis has gained a lot of notoriety for her solo work with the Watson Twins and other solo projects, Blake Sennet hasn’t been as lucky.
In fact this, the 3rd album, from The Elected almost didn’t happen. Blake had quit music to focus on film but when he was asked to do a spontaneous recording session, the music just flowed and he was reinvigorated to make a new The Elected album.
With most of the parts played by Blake and the lyrics focusing mostly on pain and loss, this might be one of the most deeply personal albums he has put out yet with either Rilo Kiley or The Elected.
Recommended tracks: Born to Love You (1), Babyface (2)
Reviewed by Devon Cunningham Quick Links:
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