City and Colour is the work of a talented Canadian singer/songwriter named Dallas Green (get it--a city and a color--and also the same name as the former U.S. baseball manager of the Phillies, Yankees and Mets). He's also well-known in Canada for being the lead vocalist of the rock band Alexisonfire, but this former "side" project now seems to be eclipsing the rock outfit, gaining Green a national Juno Award in 2007. This effort is full of stories of people facing difficult life circumstances, often crumbling or about-to-crumble under the weight, but often Green leaves one or two lines of lyrical hope for survival. As in the opener "We Found Each Other" (And when the smoke does finally pass/We will rise above all the ash); "Northern Wind" (Like an old guitar/Worn out and left behind/I have stories still to tell/Of the healing kind); and "O'Sister" (But the blackness in your heart won't last forever/I know it's tearing you apart, but it's a storm you can weather). Most of the songs are introspective folk, with Green's expressive singing resonating with emotion. "Little Hell," "Weightless" and "Hope For Now" feature more electric guitar and harder-edged solos. Substantive work, skillfully delivered. Michael J. 7/11 F-IndieBRANDI CARLILE
Live At Benaroya Hall With The Seattle Symphony
Parish Bar
Various Artists
A Tribute to Billy Joe Shaver Live
Heart that's Pounding
The Midnight Organ Fight
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.