Roses At the End of Time


Eliza Gilkison - Roses at the End of Time Eliza Gilkeson is at the top of her craft with "Roses at the End of Time," a collection socio-political commentary and soulful expression couched in her beautiful voice, with intricate guitar work and often quirky instrumentation.  From the title track, a brooding and soulful love song to "Bell of the Ball," fragmented memories of her mother rich braised in ethereal Hotel California imagery.  Eliza knits personal topics with universal themes to sing beautiful songs with subtle messages that it seep in days later.  "Death in Arkansas," a cover of her brother's songcraft, is an old timey lament at the expanding sprawl of consumerism and suburbs.  "Slouching Toward Bethlehem" is a bluesy, swinging gospel for the new progressive.  Eliza's lyrical storytelling is superior and nearly matches Townes Van Zandt, whom she pays homage to in "Midnight on Raton." John Gorka and Lucy Kaplansky appear as guests. Reviewed By: Todd Townsend.

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