Amber Rubarth won the NPR Mountain Stage New Song Contest for the opener on this record, "Letter from My Lonlier Self" and it is worth the accolade, smartly written and well-performed. Rubarth has a very straightforward, no-nonsense style, reminiscent of Ani De Franco and Amy Rigby. Her heart's on he sleeve and she delivers it directly. There are couple of nice duos here, "City Starts to Bloom" and "Mirror" (the latter with Jason Mraz). One of my favorites on the disc is the jazz-tinged "Novocaine." She must have one of the most interesting pre-musician careers of anyone in our WYCE library: she was a chainsaw sculptor in Nevada before giving up that lucrative line of work for singer-songwriter. Michael J. 04/12 F-Singer-SongwriterRachel Harrington
The Bootleggers Daughter
Cortney Tidwell
Don't Let Stars Keep Us Tangled Up
Tree Bursts in Snow
Little Bit of Grace
Kris Kristofferson
The Austin Session
Doors and Windows
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.