Music For Mortals


Stuart Davis is a man who has been involved in various endeavors in his twenty years in the music business. He has written screenplays, paints calligraphy, and is an outspoken advocate for the probability of extraterrestrial life. These things make the man more interesting than the music. He has had some commercial success with his music. He wrote/recorded the theme song for the Showtime series, I Can't Believe I'm Still Single and the theme song for the movie Drillbit Taylor. Still, the best thing I can say about his latest release, Music For Mortals, is that the photography for the cover is stunning. The last thing I expected from this impressive package was the dreary contemporary pop that exists on the cd. Stuart Davis takes the themes of love, religion, and the meaning of life very seriously and presents them in a package meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Music For Mortals would be right at home on a Top 40 or contemporary country radio station. Rebecca Ruth

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