Aina Haina


Aina Haina consists of Mike Ailes on guitar and vocals and Dylan Magierek on drums and vocals. The two met some years ago at the University of Hawaii and then reconnected at their current base, Portland. This self-titled release immediately caught my attention on the first track with its fuzzy bass, big kit drums and electric guitar. The mid-tempo rhythm and clear vocals, however, don't seem to be the right choice for the song. On to track 2, the ballad, well, what more needs to be said; it's a typical ballad. Track 3 continues with the mid-tempo cadence. By now, I've been bored for three songs. The rest of the disc continues as the first, sure there's fuzzy guitar, but the mid-tempo meter and earnest vocals make it seem to plod on and on. These guys are serious whether singing about the problems of the world or just getting into someone's pants. Don't be fooled by the garage rock label the record company slapped on this. Aina Haina makes power pop that's mediocre at best. Rebecca Ruth

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