
Guacha EP + En Son De Paz


Frikstailers (pronounced Freak Stylers) have been chosen to deliver the funk. Or so they say. Comprised of Buenos Aires natives Rafa Caivano and Lisandro Sona, leaders of the South American electronic scene, the group was " tele-abducted by an advanced civilization from the planet Klajnak, and are forced to transmit their electronic messages to Earth." Ambitious premise to be sure, or at least here shows the duo is here have a good time. Their first single off their first album En Son De Paz, Guacha (pronounced Wacha) has the duo battling a unique spatial entity who has been sucking vital energy out of the galaxy for ages. The single was released as an EP with remixes.

The EP itself has perfectly fine renderings of Guacha, but seeing how the first album, it might be wise to just skip straight to the En Son De Paz. It's here that the mixes up the tracks, employing native South American instrumentation occasionally to the electronic beats. The album has variety within itself, with "Hazlo Tu Mismo" gives the album a spurt of Latin American rap while "Cumbian Chamayo" experimenting with vocal sampling. The whole album has a touch of a grimy vibe to it, with the production of the album as a whole having a strong tinge of what I assume to be the Buenos Aires electronica scene. An eclectic mix of electronic club tracks for Americans to be sure, but for those curious to sample something new, it might just satiate your desire.

full album recommendations:

recommended tracks: #1 "Guacha", #9 "Otra Vez"

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