Greg Laswell

I Was Going To Be An Astronaut


The title of Greg Laswell's new album is his favorite line from his track "December" and is said to reflect how the more he plans for certain things, completely different things occur organically. So while I Was Going To Be An Astronaut is a collection of remakes of older Laswell tunes, the act of covering his own songs in a way illustrates an artist coming across self-discovery through retrospect. Like most of Laswell's previous music and the original versions of the songs, the sonic atmosphere is one wrought with frequent reverb and melancholy lyrics echoing ominously (but beautifully) alongside particularly affecting minor piano chords. It might not be a departure or much of a risk at all on Laswell's part, but it's easy to get lost in the gorgeous sadness of songs like "How The Day Sounds" and "Take Everything." There isn't original material on IWGTBAA, but if you've liked Greg Laswell's career since 2003's Good Movie, there's no doubt you'll find something to relish in the re-imagining of these songs.

Recommended Tracks: #5 "How The Day Sounds", #8 "Take Everything"

Sigmund Steiger

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