Kerri Powers


Kerri Powers has been writing songs since she was nine-years old, after the likes of John Prine, Neil Young, and Bob Dylan inspired her to learn to play the guitar. Their songwriting allowed her to experience sadness and hope and overcome sadness. It was a number of years before the Boston native worked up the courage to begin performing at local coffeehouses throughout New England. Love, marriage, and family changed Powers' priorities over the next years of her life, and she took a break from performing. It was not until 2002, while enduring and overcoming the hardship of divorce and her son growing into adulthood, that Powers released You, Me and a Redhead. The heartfelt and honest album brought Powers praise from critics, and in 2009 she released Faith in the Shadows. In the following years, she toured the U.S. and Europe growing a fan base with her country, blues, Americana sound and smoky vocals. She released her self-titled album, Kerri Powers, in January 2014. The ten-track album features eight of Powers' original songs along with a cover of Janis Ian's "Jesse" and The Bee Gee's "To Love Somebody." "Train in the Night" is a beautiful love song to her son. Thanks to engineer Eric Lichter at Dirt Floor Studios, the simple, raw production of this album creates earnest songs that feature Powers' talent as a solo performer.
Richard Martin

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