It would be easy to say that once you have heard one or two Snow Patrol tracks, you may know their entire library. After listening to this collection of fourteen tracks taken from the bands last four discs I can agree with those sentiments. The only thing is their sound which can be melancholy can also be very catchy. This Irish/Scottish band soared to stardom after their hit "Chasing Cars" was featured on the hit TV series Grey's Anatomy. On the heals of this success U2 chose this band to be their opening act on a couple of tours bringing their sound to a larger audience. Snow patrol blends the sounds of Coldplay as well as Belle & Sebastian into a pleasing but laid back fashion. Reviewed By: Gregg SaurATLAS SOUND
She’s About to Cross My Mind
The Sleeping Gypsies
The Sleeping Gypsies
The Devil In Me EP
Mary Karlzen
The Wanderlust Diaries
Robyn Hitchcock
I Wanna Go Backwards BOXSET
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