Parade On


After substantial runs as sideman for Guided By Voices and Nada Surf, Doug Gillard is taking control of his own destiny with Parade On, his third official solo album. He wrote the 11 songs on the album, he sings lead, he plays lead guitar, and he also comes in and plays bass, keys, percussion, and does some of his own backing vocals. A few drummers hop in to help him out here and there, and he gets some help from a few additional background singers, but Parade On is his baby.

A fine baby it is. Indie-pop sensitivity adds air and lightness to a pleasing and easy to swallow excursion. The first five cuts are long on rhythm and short on melodic hooks, so much of Parade On will leave pleasant but vague memories. Things get rockier in the second half (and that's a good thing!)  For a bit more drive, try #6 Overseas and #9 No Perspective. #7 Come Out and Show Me feels a bit like Tommy-era Who.

--Gerald Etkind

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