The City Boy Allstars

Blinded By The Night


On August 28 2013, The City Boy Allstars reunited after a 17 year hiatus to record this disc filled with enough Big Band Blues, Jazz, Soul and Gospel to leave an audience drenched in sweat knowing they had experienced an evening of musical nirvana. This band led by guitarist Mike Merola features a hot five piece horn section, three incredible vocalists and a tight rhythm section. The CD begins with a cover of Robbie Robertson's track "Testimony". It is hard to make it through without getting down on your knees and testifying to the lord above. Other covers on this disc include a high spirited version of the Billy Holiday classic "God Bless The Child". Most of this disc is filled with up-tempo high spirited big band blues & jazz, but on the track "When You Needed Me", the band ventures into the world of Hip-Hop Jazz and it is nothing short of musical magic. This is one night of music that should be treasured and thankfully preserved for years to come. Reviewed By: Gregg Saur

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Compiled by the WYCE Journalism Club

The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.