Almost Alive at Front Street


Brother Adams is a three-man, Holland, Michigan-based rock group. Their album Almost Alive at Front Street has a definite southern twang but refuses a purely "country" label. Their sound has all the elements of a folk-country band--mandolin, violin, banjo, harmonica, etc.-- but the loud, gritty vocals and dark, driving melodies give the album a distinctly rock feel. There are also trace elements of jazz throughout the album and a little Latin flair in "3:59 AM," proving that this group is diversely influenced--and difficult to neatly place in a subgenre. 

The first track, "Roll Your Stone" is probably the most lyrically interesting song on the album, treating the Greek myth of Sisyphus. Other songs speak of love, mortality, and religion. "Push" and "We'll Pretend" are two of the slower tracks on the album, and I think they showcase the best of Brother Adams's vocal styles. Almost Alive at Front Street is a high-energy, sonically diverse record that fans of new spins on traditional folk sounds will likely enjoy. 

Reviewed by: Marie Orttenburger

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