The Sleeping Gypsies

The Sleeping Gypsies


Immediately when turning on The Sleeping Gypsies self-titled album, I desperately wanted to see them live. Their whole album is an exploration of sound that doesn’t fit nicely into any genre, which makes them an exciting band to claim for Michigan. The opening track, “Trouble,” leans heavily on blues roots highlighting the saxophone and piano. By the end of this song, The Sleeping Gypsies have let lose into an all-out jam setting high standards for the rest of the album.

Throughout the record they have two Interludes that explore their entire range of sound making them feel even more dynamic. As the album progresses, we can hear some modern influences like The Black Keys in The Sleeping Gypsies’ tune, “The Witching Hour.” Another captivating track is “As I Pass By.” It is a bit heavier than the other songs on the album having more powerful rock vocals. We come back to the blues as “Lose my Mind” begins to play focusing more on their jam band tendencies highlighting the saxophone. The Sleeping Gypsies deliver a fun and dynamic album that can reach a broad demographic of listeners.

review by Mariah

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