Indie Rock all the way. It was alright, I really liked the Album cover, and was hoping it would be a little better than it was. It is kind of cool to know that Dave Munro(Vocals on Most Tracks) wrote quite a few of these songs while he was deployed overseas for the US Navy. The fact that he was thinking about Music and putting together an album while in the middle of deployed is a feather in his cap for sure. I would have to think it to be very difficult at the end of the day to match up the music with Lyrics when you are so far away. With that being said, very well done. It was not too bad at the end of the day.
review by Matt
Blue Dahlia
The General
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Yes, I'm A Witch
The Lucksmiths
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Because Her Beauty is Raw and Wild
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.