Here Comes the Caviar


Here Comes the Caviar is Greg's best work to date. Recorded in Los Angeles with Producer Clark Stiles the album features 10 new songs that will be welcomed by fans and is a great introduction to those who have yet to discover why Greg is one of our most established and respected artists. The singles “Save Yourself” and "It's Been So Long" have proven to be Greg's biggest New Zealand hits ever and "Save Yourself" is now also being added to Radio all across the USA! The songs "Kiss Me and "Don't Be The One" are also gaining unprecedented airtime across New Zealand. - James Gamble

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Compiled by the WYCE Journalism Club

The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.