U.K. singer/songwriter Sandi Thorn got a record contract by attracting a steady audience of thousands to her live, personally produced webcasts. One of them drew nearly 100,000 viewers!I hear two distinct singers on this disc: the one which presents an interesting off-beat lyric and delivery (e.g. “Horsepower,” “Punk Rocker,” “What if I’m Right” and “Human Jukebox”) and the one who tries to be an English version of Jewel. I hope she keeps to the former in the future. 10/06 MJVDLawrence Morrill Glass
The Steeldrivers
The Steeldrivers
Should Have Known
Various Artists
Sail Away-The Songs of Randy Newman
Langhorne Slim
When the Sun's Gone Down
Have You Met Lera Lynn
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.