Milton Nascimento
Clube da Esquina, No. 2Angelus 1994 via Warner Bros / Wea
Check out "WYCE dot org" to stay in tune with Grand Rapids area concerts.
Our online concerts and events calendar lets you know the best local spots to hear live music by WYCE-approved musicians.
Please send concert listings to calendars@wyce.org
Concert Calendar is a free service of Grand Rapids Community Media Center.
Support for WYCE comes from dizzybird records, presenting a rock 'n roll label showcase on Thursday, September 1st at The Pyramid Scheme.
with The Indigo Girls
It's almost time for the 9th annual WYCE CD & Record Sale! We are currently accepting donations of LPs, CDs and Cassettes for this fundraising event held at the Eastown Streetfair on Saturday, September 10th.
Your donations of music could be tax deductible and all proceeds of the sale will go on to support WYCE! Any donations of LPs, CDs and cassettes are encouraged, regardless of artist or genre, as long as they're in good shape and in their original case. Donations will be accepted through Thursday, September 8th.
Donations may be dropped off to the Community Media Center at 711 Bridge Street North West. Email quinn@grcmc.org to arrange a time for drop off. Thank you!
Join us tomorrow, September 1st at noon for our next episode of GR Live - broadcasting live from HOME at The BOB in downtown Grand Rapids.
Host Quinn Mathews welcomes a Dizzybird Records showcase featuring performances by Gringo Star and The Harlequins - plus a chat about Tribute on The Grand presented by Founders Brewing.
Those who are part of the live audience can enjoy a Bobarino's pizza buffet and beverages from BOB's Brewery! If you can't make it, tune in to hear the show from noon to 1pm right here on WYCE!
GR Live is a collaboration with Experience Grand Rapids and Gilmore Collection - more information and schedule at "GR Live Radio dot com".
Support for WYCE comes from Odom Reuse Co., a full service salvage, deconstruction, and retail used-building-materials operation in west Comstock Park. Odom Reuse is dedicated to waste reduction in the building industry. They salvage rare items and old lumber which would otherwise be lost, material with a quality level not found anymore. More information can be found at o-d-o-m-r-e-u-s-e dot com
Support for WYCE comes from dizzybird records, presenting a rock 'n roll label showcase on Thursday, September 1st at The Pyramid Scheme.