Neil Young
Four Strong WindsComes a Time 1978 via Warner Brothers
Nanette tries to make her show "the soundtrack to your life" (at least three hours of it) -- music expressing all sorts of moods, with folk/rock preferences.
Wealthy Theatre hosts Loren & Mark live in concert this Sunday, September 25th at 7 pm.
Follow The Rapidian's ArtPrize Coverage at
"the rapidian dot org slash artprize 2015"Wealthy Theatre hosts Loren & Mark live in concert this Sunday, September 25th at 7 pm.
Peaches Bed & Breakfast again hosts interactive Artist Demo Days this Saturday & Sunday from 12 to 6pm - with 29 area artists demonstrating metal working, LOTS of painting, paper cutting, scratchboard, sculpting, and more!
This Monday, September 26th, Wealthy Theatre will provide a free, non-partisan, neutral simulcast of the first Presidential national debate. Screening begins at 9pm.
WYCE's Fall Fund Drive is on its way! West Michigan's best music variety doesn't power itself... We need you to do your part!
Peaches Bed & Breakfast again hosts interactive Artist Demo Days this Saturday & Sunday from 12 to 6pm - with 29 area artists demonstrating metal working, LOTS of painting, paper cutting, scratchboard, sculpting, and more!