The Go Rounds
Texas Desert RoseDon't Go Not Changin' 2015 via Earth Work
I am desperately trying to play the song you Shazam (we also show the 'now playing' songs on wyce.org so you don't have to worry about two apps). Sometimes I describe my music as hard listening music. And I don't mean that it's bad. But there's easy listening music (and I play some of that too don't worry), which is great in the background. And then there's the music that kinda demands you pay attention to it - hard listening. That's what I'm going for at least. And you might hate it and that's ok. Don't tell my boss, because the customers are always right, but this show is as much for me as it is for you. Most importantly, if you call in and tell me that your pet is at home listening to WYCE 88.1, I'll give them a shout-out on air and tell them you love them! My four-legged listeners are my favorite
Support for WYCE comes from Live Nation presenting hardcore punk band Knocked Loose at GLC Live at 20 Monroe.
Knocked Loose will be performing in Grand Rapids on November 7th.
Joining them on tour is Drain and Militarie Gun.
Tickets and more information are at live nation dot com.
Support for WYCE comes from Ox-Bow School of Art and Artists' Residency in Saugatuck, Michigan.
Ox-Bow School of Art and Artists' Residency welcomes you to their Friday Night Open Studios.
Open Studios offers the opportunity to tour the Oxbow campus, see student artwork, and glass-blowing demos, and take part in OxBow's live auction on August 23rd.
More information on the event is available at ox dash bow dot org.
Support for WYCE comes from Organicycle.
Offering curbside composting for home and business needs in Grand Rapids and West Michigan.
Individuals interested in Organicycle for a business or organization can find additional information at Organicycle dot org
Organicycle...A Simple Step for A Sustainable Future
Play Concert Calendar
Support for WYCE comes from Ox-Bow School of Art and Artists' Residency in Saugatuck, Michigan.
Ox-Bow School of Art and Artists' Residency welcomes you to their Friday Night Open Studios.
Open Studios offers the opportunity to tour the Oxbow campus, see student artwork, and glass-blowing demos, and take part in OxBow's live auction on August 23rd.
More information on the event is available at ox dash bow dot org.
Support for WYCE comes from Switchback Gear Exchange... a full-service bike shop and community hub!
Switchback Gear Exchange features many new and used bikes, accessories, and expert bike services.
Also offering craft beers, cocktails, and non-alcoholic selections.
On Tuesdays, Switchback hosts a bluegrass jam. On Thursdays, there is an acoustic open mic opportunity to listen to or play some tunes.
More information on Switchback is on most Social Media platforms or at goswitchback dot com.
Support for WYCE comes from Live Nation presenting Lake Street Dive at GLC Live at 20 Monroe.
Lake Street Dive will be bringing their "Good Together Tour" to Grand Rapids on September 23rd.
Their eclectic discography features cover records as well as original soul pop music.
Tickets and more information for Lake Street Dive is available online at glc live at 20 monroe dot com.
Support for WYCE comes from Ox-Bow School of Art and Artists' Residency in Saugatuck, Michigan.
Ox-Bow School of Art and Artists' Residency welcomes you to their Friday Night Open Studios.
Open Studios offers the opportunity to tour the Oxbow campus, see student artwork, and glass-blowing demos, and take part in OxBow's live auction on August 23rd.
More information on the event is available at ox dash bow dot org.