About GRTV

The Community Media Center hosts two public access channels:


GRTV provides a televised forum for legal, non-commercial speech; a place where you can express yourself creatively at little or no cost.  You can catch GRTV on Comcast Cable Channel 25.  GRTV broadcasts to the following areas:




East Grand Rapids

Grand Rapids

Grand Rapids Township

Plainfield Township

Sparta Township

Tallmadge Township

Vergennes Township


Wright Township


LiveWire Channel 24 is a public service, access channel that features LIVE specials and long-form programming, including commercial-free satellite downlinks.  LiveWire does not accept program submissions from individuals. All of the programming is requested by local groups and non-profit organizations. Any Application for Cablecast must come from a local group or non-profit organization. 

Click here to download a LiveWire Cablecast Application.

Some examples of programming you will see on LiveWire are: