Emmylou Harris

Stumble into Grace


Emmylou does it again.

She brings us yet another, beautifully brilliant collection of songs, and she ropes in other lovely voices to join her own in doing so (ie. Jane Siberry, Daniel Lanois, Linda Ronstadt, Gillian Welch and others). This disc follows down that same musically adventurous path she started down in 1995 with "The Wrecking Ball", when she broke from the well-known country-folk style with which she began her musical career. At a time in life when most artists would be clinging on to their previously established sound, Harris has morphed her music into something breathtakingly atmospheric and touching. In her pursuit, it sounds like she has "Stumbled" into some of the best music of her very long career.

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Compiled by the WYCE Journalism Club

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