Born in London in 1997, The Clientele is now releasing their 3rd full length LP which was recorded in Nashville with the help of Mark Nevers (Lambchop) and Pat Sansone (Autumn Defense). God Save the Clientele is light lilting summer afternoon music that hints back to the era when the Byrds, Turtles, Monkees and all other kinds of peace loving creatures were roaming the music scene. Yet they do not specifically mimic any of those bands, nor do they actually sound “retro”. A rather enjoyable album, I say. It holds a nice mix of upbeat and relaxing tunes without reaching out to either extreme. Sit back and enjoy. BeckyGIRLS
Father, Son, Holy Ghost
Alana Davis
Surrender Dorothy
Aimee Mann
Live at St. Ann's Warehouse
Fistful of Mercy
Drive-By Truckers
A Blessing And A Curse
American Music Club
Love Songs for Patriots
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