The Dark Flowers is a collaborative effort, headed by British producer/songwriter Paul Statham. The new release, Radioland, is an inspired interpretation of Sam Shepard's collection of poems and memoirs, Motel Chronicles. Paul Statham was involved in every step of this project, from writing to instrumentation, to production and mixing. The only thing he didn't do on Radioland is sing. That task was done by various artists who not only performed vocals, but helped to write/interpret the songs as well...making Radioland a true collaboration. Who else is involved, you ask? To name a few, there is Jim Kerr (Simple Minds), Peter Murphy (Bauhaus), Kate Havnevik (a Norwegian electronica artist), and Helicopter Girl (I don't have a clue, but I love her name and voice). The music is subtle, with all kinds of surprises, from vague electronica and celeste, to ambiguous banjo and slide guitar. Every turn holds a revelation and piques my interest, making me want to dig deeper. Rebecca Ruth
That Striped Sunlight Sound
Charlie Sexton & Shannon McNally
Southside Sessions
Eros And Omissions
Cedar Rock Basement Program
The Light Divides
Jerry Lee Lewis
Last Man Standing
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.