The Mummer's Jig


Some smokin’ good dance tunes on this one. Ah yes, I can almost hear the pitter patter of pretty little Celtic dancing feet as they go prancing into the sunset together. Seriously, whats laid down here is some rock solid tracks by Terry Lancaster playing guitar, fiddle, plectrum banjo, mandolin, tin whistle and bodhran with a roaring train of an instrumentalist Jessie Macintosh playing guitar, mandolin, highland and small pipes, mountain dulcimer, all sorts of harmonicas and a mandola. You may be asking: What the hell is a tinker? Well, simply put, the tinker's are the gypsies of Ireland and the British Isles. They haven't been as popular in the New World but they still do exist here and there (try Canada). Anyway, a lot can be said about the Tinker's and their lifestyle/ethics but why go into it. Let's just say that they are a small marginalized population that are never really on anyone's guest list and are generally considered a troubled group of individuals that don't fit into a progressive social system. (Excerpt from website www.tinkerstea.blogspot.com) Teresa Jeanne

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Compiled by the WYCE Journalism Club

The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.