Four Finger Five/ Four Finger Five This is a solid release by a solid member of the local jam scene. For those unfamiliar, Four Finger Five is a jazz funk rock group from the lakeshore towns of Muskegon and Grand Haven. This is their first full length release and it shows a lot of promise and offers a glimpse into the band’s live abilities for improvisation. My favorite song is Get it Together which pays homage to the political soul music of the 70’s. Did I mention that Karl Denson appears on three tracks? Well I did now. Also included is a jointly written instrumental, The Johnson. Soul Rhythm is a pretty good song too. derrickSONNY LANDRETH
The Standale LP
Liam McKay and the Saints
Confessions to a Lover
Toad The Wet Sprocket
New Constellation
Built To Spill
You In Reverse
Let In The Light
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