Made In The Dark


Hot Chip Made In The Dark This album has it all for those fans of rhythmical chaos, catchy tunes, and grooves that have you playing the songs over and over again. Hot Chip consists of 5 guys from London who have mastered everything from dance-floor favorites to soulful ballads (check out their last album “The Warning” and their first “Coming On Strong” for even more Hot Chip goodness)… Made In The Dark shows the groups’ evolution after touring for the past two solid years and laying down this record in the last six months. The songs are propulsive, methodical, intimate, beautiful, and uniquely Hot Chip. From smart-ass to heartfelt lyrics, deep-soul to head-rush pop, Made In The Dark is pure gold from front to back. I would recommend ANY and ALL tracks here, but some stand-outs include: #2 “Shake A Fist” (listen for a synth breakdown towards the end) #3 “Ready For The Floor” (Dance/Pop) #5 “We’re Looking For A Lot Of Love” (Soulful/Ballad) #6 “Made In The Dark” (It’s the title track for good reason) #10 "Wrestlers" (epitomizes what makes this quintet the sharpest dance rockers this side of their pals LCD Soundsystem. Listen for references from Ray Charles to Willie Nelson) Oh my, this album kicks a**… Reviewed by LaRae WYCE Programmer

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