A charming soundtrack that compliments the film’s awkward struggle in life as a teenager (an even more clever Napoleon Dynamite, with all the awkward and hysterical laughs). Mostly composed of snippets straight from the film, there are some actual composed pieces of music that are fitting with the movies’ character’s interchanges. Check out tracks 2 “Fight Song Melodies”, The Violent Femmes’ track 11 “Kiss Off”, track 16 “I Love The Unknown”, and track 21 “Girls Don’t Care”.David Berkeley
After the Wrecking Ships
To Spirit Back the Mews: An Asthmatic Kitty Compilation
The Del McCoury Band
The Promised Land
Quiet Life
Burnell Pines
Till The Day I Die
Already Gone
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.