How to Untangle a Heartache


Driftwood Fire’s frontwoman Lynn Scharf sings with extraordinary confidence for a debut album—and she can whistle too (check out “Intermission”). Scharf has amazing control of her falsetto voice. Bandmate Charlotte Formichello picks her banjo with unhurried ease. The mix on this album is top notch. It was produced/engineered by John McVey (by day Formichello is an acoustic technician with the National Parks Service). “Let It All Go” is the focus track for good reason–-it is the best on the CD—listen for that blue note. “Appalachian Hills” is a haunting melodic story (with snare drum roll) of the Southern wrongdoing of men in white with gold crosses. “Backdoor” has more of a rock focus with electric guitar and “Paper Bag” is the story of the heartache and love lost with soft accordion in the background. The storytelling of Scharf and Formichello has caught the attention of the Telluride Bluegrass Festival Troubadour contest. How to Untangle a Heartache is a captivating, heartfelt album. – Pam VandeKerkhoff

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