- Bring Yer Wellies


More great stuff from this fun-loving band! As you might guess, most of the songs on this CD are upbeat. Track 10 is slow, but still nice work. My favorite sing-alongs are tracks 2,7,9,12 & 14. Track 3 is the continuation of the story of Johnny Tarr (from their earlier CD, “Tree”), while track 4 sounds like a sea-shanty. Tracks 2 and 14 have become audience participation songs at their live shows, with the crowd divided into two groups and singing different lines of the chorus on track 2. Track 14 , Kiss Me I’m Irish has been used by Hallmark on one of their “musical cards”, for St. Patrick’s Day of course! Track number 5 is sung in Gaelic, which makes it difficult to sing along. The following songs are instrumentals: Tracks 6 & 11 feature pipes, while the fiddle is prominent for songs 8 & 13. If you enjoy Gaelic Storm, you will find lot’s to like on “Bring Yer Wellies” (which is a lot easier to say than “Bring Yer Wellington Boots”). I like this release more every time I hear it……….J.R.

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Compiled by the WYCE Journalism Club

The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.