Percussionist/producer Steve Jordan has again teamed up with ex-Antionettes guitarist/singer Meegan Voss to create The Verbs' second release, Trip. I would describe this as garage-pop that definitely echoes both artists' New York roots. Some tracks are harder rock such as the guitar and drums-driven "Hey hey Uh-Huh". Other tracks are more pop-oriented such as the focus track "Burnt Out Star", which reminds me of something that the band Metric would produce. My favorite track...the 60's noir piece "This is How the Song Goes". Trip is all-in-all an album worth checking out. Rebecca RuthSHANNON WHITWORTH & BARRETT SMITH
Bring It On Home
Guy Pearce
A Slipping Down Life OST
Virginia Coalition
Home This Year
Boudoir Noir
Summer Skin
Beneath The Darkness Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
This is Where We Live
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.