When I first heard KD was recording a new CD in Nashville with a band called the Siss Boom Bang, I had visions of her returning to the days of "Absolute Torch and Twang". Instead I found a beautifully produced CD with one of the finest voices in the music industry that is continuing her journey into the pop world without the twang or sounds that brought her to the forefront of the music industry. That being said, The opening track "I Confess" Sounds like a classic that could have been recorded by the late great Roy Orbison. "Perfect World" is another piece of sweet Pop perfection and could easily be released as a catchy top single. "Inglewood" is a laid back track that is the closest that KD comes to her country pop sounds. One of the surprising tracks is K.D.'s cover of the Talking Heads track "Heaven." I can't name a K.D. Lang disc where her voice has sounded better, but I long for the day where KD actually does sing it loud and renews the feeling and life that were found in her early recordings. Reviewed By: Gregg SaurROBERT POLLARD
From a Compound Eye
Richard X. Heyman
Actual Sighs
Tell em What Your Name Is
Arcade Fire
EJ Ouellette and Crazy Maggy
Row The Bow 5.0
Glen Phillips
Winter Pays for Summer
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