Montreal-based singer Kristen Bussandri writes and plays country-rock that some say is reminiscent of the early string of Linda Ronstadt and Bonnie Raitt records of the '70s--before Linda went more pop and Bonnie disappeared for a time (and gratefully returned triumphant). She's listed as one of the five Canadian singers "poised to break it big" in 2012. Whether she does or she doesn't, there are five good songs here, particularly the lead-off ("Pebble"), the bluesy "If You Don't Love Me" and the title track. We at WYCE like to help talented artists like this emerge and there's every reason to extend the kindness north of the border. Michael J. 05/12 R-ContemporaryRAUL MALO
After Hours
Setzer, Brian
Rockabilly Riot vol. 1 A Tribute to Sun Records
Connan Mockasin
Going Way Out With Heavy Trash
Boys & Girls In America
Mark Stoermer
Dark Arts
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.