Scottish-Canadian David Francey has been rocketing to folk-singer stardom (if there is such a thing) since laying down his carpenter tools in the late 90’s and launching into full time song writing, recording, folk-festival-performing, and troubadour-traveling.His second album, Far End of Summer, won a Juno Award in the Roots and Traditional category in 2002. His 2005 release, The Waking Hour, has received a nomination for the same award.
It’s easy to get comfortable in Francey’s songs; they sound familiar the first time you hear them. He writes simple poems that cover the classic topics of love and heart break, highway traveling, shipyards and coal towns, bus-station characters, war ("And the sabers were drawn from their scabbards/They were rattlin’ for all they were worth . . .") and, oh yeah, Timothy McVeigh.
Francey is accompanied on the album by Kieran Kane, Kevin Welch and Fats Kaplin.
Give up the Ghost
Big Black Dog
Cortney Tidwell
Don't Let Stars Keep Us Tangled Up
Leaving Marshall St.
Carwreck Conversations
Roses At the End of Time
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